Color on a Plate

Art comes in many forms and from many sources.  I love all the steps in the art of cooking; planning the meal, discovering a new recipe, shopping for the ingredients, preparing the food and of course eating!  I am especially joyful when I go to a farmer’s market.  Under tents are tables teaming with a color palette of radishes, peppers, beans, berries, fruit, squash, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, lettuces, eggplant, turnips, potatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, tomatoes and more!  It is hard to resist; hard not to overbuy.

As we approach November the markets will change with the season.  The peaches and nectarines are gone.  Apples and pears are plentiful.  New varieties of squash appear.  Tomatoes are dwindling.  Summer recipes are put away.  New ones are found for brussel sprouts and acorn squash.

Eggplant is one of my newfound vegetable friends and I am trying new recipes every week.  Saturday’s dinner was a lasagna with a vegetable and ground lamb filling.  Peppers, eggplant, spinach and ground lamb were all purchased at the morning market.  Saturday’s art was a palette of colorful vegetables and a camera to capture the beauty.

Bon Appetit!

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